KMUZ Program – Archives (Information page)

PROGRAMARCHIVES003A BIG “Thank You” to Marc Albert for all his hard work editing and posting over 250 KMUZ programs for almost 2 years. Marc will continue editing and posting KMUZ programs.

The KMUZ Program Archives have been updated to a new format and RSS-Podcasts feeds have been added to each archive program category.

As of the August 18, 2013, KMUZ Program Archive Categories, Because It MattersMarion County 20, Mashup with Marc, Melanie in the Morning, Special Needs – Special Parents, Talking About Art and Your Salem Through the years programs for 2013 have been added to the new format. As time and resources permit we will be moving most of the pre-2013 programs to the new format.

If your go to most any KMUZ web page, such as this one, you will see “Program – Archives” listed right under the web site search box on the right hand side bar of the page. On smartphones, the right hand side bar will appear at the bottom of the page if in “mobile view”. If you “hover” over the “Program – Archives” text the menu will expand with all the program categories. If you click on any of the program categories you will be taken to a new page with all the episodes for that specific category. At the top of each program category page is a short description of the program.

Following the program category description are the program episodes for 2013. There is short description of each program episode and an embedded player so you can listen to  a specific program episode as well as the ability to download the program episode audio file in mp3 format.

“Live Search” functionally added to the KMUZ web site:
This search feature will help you find specific information on the KMUZ web site. The Live Search will allow you to find specific programs that are in the Program – Archives with the exception of the pre-2013 programs. Pre-2013 programs are contained on a single page so even if you do see a result in the Live Search window it will only take you to pre-2013 page which is not all that useful.  In the meantime you can search the pre-2013 program archive episodes using your browser’s search function. This issue will be resolved as we move pre-2013 programs to the new format.

KMUZ Podcast Feeds:
If listening to Podcasts is your thing, you will notice two icons at the bottom of each program category description. The one on the left is for adding a RSS (podcast) feed to your browser for that program category and the one on the right will take you to “iTunes Preview” web page that lists all programs in that specific program category. From there you can listen to any of the listed programs. You can also open the specific Program Archives category or program episodes in iTunes.

You can also go directly to iTunes and search on any of the KMUZ Program Archive category names or DJ’s names. For example, from iTunes search on “Mashup with Marc” and you will see this program category listed. The KMUZ Program Archives are now officially part of the iTunes Store. From a PC, you will need have iTunes installed but you do NOT need to have a Apple ID. KMUZ Podcasts via the iTunes Store are FREE.

If you are interested in listening to KMUZ Program Archives on your iPhone/iPod-Touch, there are a couple of ways to do this. What we have discovered is that you can NOT listen to podcast directly form iTunes on an iPhone/iPod-Touch. When you go to iTunes on your iPhone/iPod-Touch and find a podcast you want to listen to and/or subscribe to,  you are asked to install the Apple’s Podcasts app. Apple’s Podcasts app just had a major upgrade and from what we can tell from reviews, this app is NOT very good, so we don’t recommend this approach. On a iPhone  we tested the RSSRadio Premium (Podcast Downloader) app for $2.99 and had good results. There is a free version but you are limited to 3 subscriptions and it has advertisements. There are lots of other podcast apps for the iPhone/iPod-Touch so you might find something better then RSSRadio Premium. We are not sure about other smartphones but there should be several RSS-Podcast applications available for most smartphones.

Please note: From an iPad, you CAN listen and download individual program episodes via iTunes BUT you can not subscribe. You can use most RSS-Podcast apps on an iPad that will allow you to subscribe to program categories. We think this is true for most Tablet devices.

It should be noted that ALL KMUZ Program Archives’ programs are being distributed around the world by KMUZ’s RSS feed provider BluBrry via their PowerPress/RawVoice system, so any RSS-Podcast user side application should be able to “discover” KMUZ podcasts. From your RSS-Podcast application search on the KMUZ Program Archives category name, for example “Mashup with Marc”, and it should appear on your application.

If you have any suggestions or questions related to the KMUZ Program Archives, please don’t hesitate to contact us by filling out the form below. We will get back real soon…

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