Willamette WakeUp – Fourth Friday Focus with Oregon Center For Public Policy
Willamette Wake Up
Willamette WakeUp - Fourth Friday Focus with Oregon Center For Public Policy
Show Notes

Episode 20 May 25, 2018: Marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about the Farm Bill proposals, food insecurity in Oregon and policies surrounding the SNAP program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps.
Episode 19 April 27, 2018: Marc Albert talks with Dan Hauser about the May 21, 2018 Special Session and the push to extend Pass Through Income tax breaks to Sole Proprietors.
Episode 18 February 23, 2018: Marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about the TANF (Temp Assistance for Needy Families) program in Oregon.
Episode 17 January 26, 2018: Marc Albert talks with Juan Carlos Ordonez about pass through income tax breaks in Oregon and Federal tax codes.
Episode 16 December 22, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Daniel Hauser about the new Tax Bill
Episode 15 October 27, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Juan Carlos Ordonez about Income Inequality in Oregon.
Episode 14 September 22, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about the third attempt to repeal the ACA by National Repbublicans, and the initiative petition to repeal the provider tax passed by the 2017 Legislature to fund health care options in Oregon.
Episode 13 August 25, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Daniel Hauser about The Kicker and Higher Ed funding in the face of the recovery.
Episode 12 July 28, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Daniel Hauser about Tax Changes by the 2017 Legislature you may not have heard about.
Episode 11 May 27, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Juan Carlos Ordonez about Revenue options for Oregon.
Episode 10 March 24, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about the proposed American Health Care Act.
Episode 9 Feb 24, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about Wage Theft in Oregon.
Episode 8 Jan 27, 2017: Marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about the Earned Income Tax Credit in Oregon.
Episode 7 Dec 16, 2016: Marc Albert talks with Tyler Mac Innis about Hunger and Food Insecurity in Oregon.
Episode 6 Oct 28, 2016: Marc Albert and Melanie Zermer talk with Juan Carlos Ordonez about Measure 97 - Myths and Facts.
Episode 5 Sept 23, 2016: marc Albert talks with Janet Bauer about new Census Data and what the data says about Oregonians with respect to income, poverty and health care coverage.
Episode 3 July 22, 2016: Marc Albert talks with Juan Carlos Ordonez about Corporate Taxation In Oregon
Episode 2 June 24, 2016: Marc Albert talks with Tyler Mac Innis about Income Inequality in Oregon, the effects and possible remedies.
Episode 1 May 27, 2016: Marc Albert talks with Juan Carlos Ordonez about Education Funding in Oregon and possible funding sources, including IP28, a corporate tax revenue initiative petition.
Papers on these topics and more can be found at the Oregon Center For Public Policy Website: Oregon Center For Public Policy
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Willamette Wake Up is KMUZ’s morning news magazine program that explores what mid-Valley people are doing and talking about through news segments and interviews. The Willamette Wake Up team is dedicated to exploring the deeper stories that define and affect our community. Join us live every weekday morning from 8 to 9 o’clock and repeats 6 to 7PM.
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