The Forum 01/08/2021 Pre-Emption – Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway?

The Forum

The Forum 01/08/2021 Pre-Emption – Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway?

Show Notes

When communities organize to help their people with planning, policies, speed limits, and other local rules, they sometimes run up against OTHER governmental bodies, national and state, that make rules which conflict. That clash of policy and authority is called “Pre-emption,” like when the feds set a minimum wage but a city or state sets its own wage, which is higher or lower. That can lead to a power struggle to override, deny, and even crush local democracy. We’ll hear from citizen advocates about the ongoing battle over pre-emption this week on The Forum, KMUZ’s weekly public affairs program.

About The Forum

The Forum FaceBook Page
The Forum is a radio show on KMUZ FM dedicated to including you in lectures, interviews, and forums of public interest to the mid-Willamette Valley. Topics include the environment, public policy, science, and general public affairs.

The Forum is produced by Stella Shaffer and Melanie Zermer.
The Forum music theme was created and produced by Josh Wahlund.

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