Talking About Art – 05/24/2013

Talking About Art

Talking About Art – 05/24/2013

Show Notes

klemme1Talking About Art on Friday May 24 from 0830-0900 at KMUZ 88.5FM. Our guest was Dr. Paul Klemme, Music Director of the Willamette Master Chorus.

Paul Klemme is presently in his 11th year as Director of the Willamette Master Chorus. His full-time position is Director of Music Ministries at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Salem, Oregon, where he conducts four choirs and serves as parish organist. He completed his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the University of Washington and was a member of the Washington State University faculty from 1988-1997. He also served as conductor of the Washington-Idaho Symphony Chorale in Pullman, Washington from 1990-1996 and the Spokane Symphony Chorale from 1997-1998. In addition to his busy schedule of organ performances, he is a member of Oregon Bach Festival Chorus. He is a member of the adjunct faculty at Willamette University where he directs Male Ensemble Willamette and teaches organ.

About Talking About Art

Talking about Art is presented every 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.  

It's the mission of Talking about Art to be a resource for artists and all those who relish and support the arts in our community. Through my programming, I wish to provide in-depth interviews and stories about the artists, writers, and poets of our community. 

We've been broadcasting Talking about Art for over six years now with some 160 broadcasts in the KMUZ archives.

Check out the full podcast archive for Talking about Art on KMUZ at 88.5 & 100.7 FM

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