RJOCs Corner. Exploring the Origins of Oregon’s Black Excclusionary Laws
Willamette Wake Up
RJOCs Corner. Exploring the Origins of Oregon's Black Excclusionary Laws
Show Notes
This month RJOC's Corner takes us back in time. Zachary Stocks, Oregon Black Pioneers, tells the story of how Salem's Asahel Bush and his weekly newspaper, Oregon Statesman, influenced the state's adoption of Black exclusionary laws. This presentation was titled "The Statesman and The Freedman" hosted by the Salem Art Association on May 15, 2022.
About Willamette Wake Up

Willamette Wake Up is KMUZ’s morning news magazine program that explores what mid-Valley people are doing and talking about through news segments and interviews. The Willamette Wake Up team is dedicated to exploring the deeper stories that define and affect our community. Join us live every weekday morning from 8 to 9 o’clock and repeats 6 to 7PM.
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