Cool Sheets Episode 102

Cool Sheets Episode 102

Show Notes

Our newest episode of #coolsheets is up! Karen shares a gadget that is one of the best helpers you can have for camping & emergency kits, some new yet old ways to say &@$#%!!, a documentary that carries one of the most important messages that is needed for this world, a TV show for music lovers that will have you rolling on the floor, and then a way to get your feet off the floor! Brian reflects back and shares some of the hardest and best things about the internet, social media, tech and 2018, his favorite Christmas gift that he gave himself this year and a company that is using drones in far away countries to save lives not destroy them! Listen here, or on your favorite podcast app and be sure to go to our website to get the links to all of our coolsheets! See ya next time. <3


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