Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Alert

The following information about the Coronavirus Disease in not complete and is a work in progress. We will make every attempt to provide you with the latest information concerning the virus out brake, resources, advice from WHO, CDC, Accredited Universities, and other reputable information sources.

The information is laid out in sections that once click will reveal a list of links for further investigation. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the information provided. The information is the best we can provide at the moment and you should verify it prior to making any decision about you and your family’s health and safety.

Current list of Topics for you to review

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 COVID-19 pandemic is here in Oregon. Governor Kate Brown declared a state of emergency on March 12th.  Worldwide, the virus has already killed thousands of people, overwhelmed medical systems, and caused disruption of daily life.  And experts say this is likely just the beginning.

The KMUZ Governing Board wants you to be informed so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. To help you navigate how you respond to this public health challenge, we offer some trusted sources of information for your review.
At the top of our list – information from our own Oregon Health Authority.

To the Oregon Health Authority.

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How to handle your food safely.