CoVID 19 Worldwide Growth Rates [Mark Handley, UCL]
Interactive visualization of the exponential spread of COVID-19 [Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider]
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now [Tomas Pueyo]
These Updating Charts Show How The US Coronavirus Outbreak Compares To Those In Other Countries [Buzzfeed]
COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak [Worldometer/Dadax]
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Research and Statistics [Oxford]
2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository [Johns Hopkins]
The COVID Tracking Project [volunteer team]
Correcting under-reported COVID-19 case numbers [Alexander Lachmann]
Speed of COVID-19 in different countries [Pavel Pochobradský and Vojtěch Loskot]
How many Americans have coronavirus? New Reuters poll might offer a hint [Reuters]
COVID Act Now [ team]
Infectious Disease Experts Don’t Know How Bad The Coronavirus Is Going To Get, Either [FiveThirtyEight]
COVID-19 in Iceland [Univ. of Iceland]