WOW. Over $4,000 in pledges came in over the first three days of the pledge drive! A heartfelt thanks goes out to our supporters who have really been stepping up. Nevertheless, we’re still thousands away from our goal. If YOU haven’t done so yet, it’s time to pledge your support to KMUZ – it’s an easy call (503-990-6101) and it makes a big difference! After being selected as the Best Radio Station in the Mid-Valley, we need funds more than ever to provide the best programming possible to our listeners.
All week long we’re putting in extra effort to make some great radio with special guests and one-time-only shows! See below for the list of upcoming special programming. And please contribute to the first and only community radio station in the Mid-Valley!
Friday, May 10, 7-8:30am: While you’re putting on your parachute pants or curling your asymmetric hair-do, join Alex for a totally rad 80s pop show. He’s gonna play some synthpop and new wave, and we’re going to party like it’s 1989!
Friday, May 10, 8-10pm: Sonic Quarry digs deep for funk tonight! Rick is gonna lay down some old-school R’n’B, Funk ‘n’ Soul tunes for y’all. To quote the great funk philosopher Ronald Bell, “The message is in the music and the music is the message.” It doesn’t get better than this.
Saturday, May 11, 2-4pm: Carl and Alex are taking a break from their “Honey-Do” list to kick back and play some of their favorite music for you. Make Carl’s day by calling in with your pledge and requesting a song by the ’60s band Spirit!
In addition to these special programs, some of your favorite programs will be expanded this week: Tune in early for Sound of the Islands and Mundo Mojo on Monday, Western Swing on Thursday, Honey Do on Saturday, and Northwest Notes on Sunday. Stay tuned later for Music & Memories on Monday and More Accordion on Sunday.