Willamette Wake Up 08/13/2020 — A COVID Economy – Time for a Change?

Willamette Wake Up

Willamette Wake Up 08/13/2020 — A COVID Economy - Time for a Change?

Show Notes

A COVID Economy - How is the US affording the stimulus & relief packages and is capitalism failing us during the pandemic, with professor emeritus of economics Russ Beaton and guest co-host John Edmonds.

About Willamette Wake Up

Willamette Wake Up is KMUZ’s morning news magazine program that explores what mid-Valley people are doing and talking about through news segments and interviews. The Willamette Wake Up team is dedicated to exploring the deeper stories that define and affect our community. Join us live every weekday morning from 8 to 9 o’clock and repeats 6 to 7PM.

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