Sackcloth & Ashes offers a “blanket” way to help the homeless

The Forum

Sackcloth & Ashes offers a “blanket” way to help the homeless

Show Notes

This week on the Forum, hear the founder of a program called “Sackcloth and Ashes” explain how he was shocked to learn he had a connection to a homeless person he never anticipated, and how it led him to find a way to help the homeless population, with a program that helps create a path to charitable giving for business sponsors, groups and individuals.

About The Forum

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The Forum is a radio show on KMUZ FM dedicated to including you in lectures, interviews, and forums of public interest to the mid-Willamette Valley. Topics include the environment, public policy, science, and general public affairs.

The Forum is produced by Stella Shaffer and Melanie Zermer.
The Forum music theme was created and produced by Josh Wahlund.

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