Mark O. Hatfield Jr, the son of a political icon, returns to Oregon to talk about growing up in Washington DC

The Forum

Mark O. Hatfield Jr, the son of a political icon, returns to Oregon to talk about growing up in Washington DC

Show Notes

Born in Oregon but raised in Washington, DC, Mark O. Hatfield Junior returned to tell about his fond memories of the state -- and the path he’s taken as he grew up to step into a career in homeland security and public safety in the field of aviation. It’s a love letter to Oregon, a salute to his mother, Antoinette Hatfield, and an overview of his life growing up in the center of the nation’s politics.  He spoke and showed slides as the season’s final presentation in the Salem Chamber Luncheon series.   

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The Forum is a radio show on KMUZ FM dedicated to including you in lectures, interviews, and forums of public interest to the mid-Willamette Valley. Topics include the environment, public policy, science, and general public affairs.

The Forum is produced by Stella Shaffer and Melanie Zermer.
The Forum music theme was created and produced by Josh Wahlund.

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