Mid-Valley livestock producers on ethically-produced meat
The Forum
Mid-Valley livestock producers on ethically-produced meat
Show Notes
This week on the Forum, local producers talk about how they raise healthy, well-treated animals and why the future of ethically-produced beef and pork may be in question. If you eat meat but don’t want to support national corporate monopolies or “factory farms” you’ll want to hear these local livestock farmers tell about the herd-share economy, their happy cows -- and why there is no training program anymore for local butchers.
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The Forum is a radio show on KMUZ FM dedicated to including you in lectures, interviews, and forums of public interest to the mid-Willamette Valley. Topics include the environment, public policy, science, and general public affairs.
The Forum is produced by Stella Shaffer and Melanie Zermer.
The Forum music theme was created and produced by Josh Wahlund.