Election 2018 coverage – Special Programing

The Forum

Election 2018 coverage - Special Programing

Show Notes

As part of our Election 2018 coverage, this is a recording made at Salem City Club on October 26, which was lightly edited for clarity and time and rebroadcast on KMUZ November 4. A vote supporting this measure would repeal the 1987 law that made Oregon the first so-called "sanctuary state" in the nation, a law that resulted from a case of racial profiling. The speakers are Cynthia Kendoll, the head of Oregonians for Immigration Reform, and Andrea Williams, who grew up in Salem and has been a director of CAUSA, a state immigrant-rights organization.

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The Forum is a radio show on KMUZ FM dedicated to including you in lectures, interviews, and forums of public interest to the mid-Willamette Valley. Topics include the environment, public policy, science, and general public affairs.

The Forum is produced by Stella Shaffer and Melanie Zermer.
The Forum music theme was created and produced by Josh Wahlund.

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